
24 September 2024

Grove Ferry 24/09/24

 A quick trip to Grove Ferry with a visit to the Feast hide before walking on to the Marsh hide and returning to the Feast hide on the way back out of the reserve. Frequent light rain showers ensured not much was happening but a Bittern flew across the reed bed to the back of the pool in front of the Feast hide and the two juvenile Great Crested Grebes at the Feast hide now seem to be down to one. A Kingfisher was seen twice, flying low up the channel in front of the hide but not stopping to fish.

The Marsh hide turned up two Green Sandpiper's and a Ruff flew in but was soon lost to view behind reeds on the back pool to the left as you look out from the hide. There was no Scarlet blob out on the wet meadow, I wonder if it has got bored and moved on ?

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